Skin Treatment

Melasma Treatment In Pune

Melasma is a kind of pigmentary disorder affecting mainly cheeks , nose and upper lip.

What is melasma and what does it look like?

Melasma is a common skin pigmentarydisorder.These are light brown, dark brown and/or blue-gray patches on your skin. They can appear as flat patches or freckle-like spots. Melasma is sometimes called the mask of pregnancy because it frequently affects pregnant women.

Where does melasma most commonly occur?

Melasma appears most commonly on your cheeks, nose, chin, above the upper lip and the forehead. In fact, melasma can affect any part of your skin that is exposed to sunlight. Thats why most people with melasma notice that their symptoms worsen during the summer months.
Pregnant women get melasma more often than anyone else. Youre also at risk if you take oral contraceptives and hormones.
Your epidermis contains cells called melanocytes that store and produce a dark color (pigment) known as melanin. In response to light, heat, or ultraviolet radiation or by hormonal stimulation, the melanocytes produce more melanin, and thats why your skin darkens.

Is melasma permanent?

Melasma is a typically chronic disorder. Some people have melasma for years or their entire lives. Other people may have melasma for just a short time, such as during pregnancy.

What causes melasma?

There are two main causes of melasma: radiation, whether ultraviolet, visible light, or infrared (heat) light; and hormones. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the sun are key in making melasma worse.

Clinical Result


Is there a cure for melasma?

Melasma is hard to treat.

Depending on the person, melasma may go away on its own, it may be permanent, or it may respond to treatment within a few months. Most cases of melasma will fade away with time and especially with good protection from sunlight and other sources of light. Unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment that will automatically make melasma disappear. At this time there is no way to remove dermal pigment.

If you have melasma, be sure to avoid:
Hormone treatments, specifically ones that involve estrogen.
Birth control, specifically oral contraceptive pills that contain estrogen and progesterone.
LED light from your television, laptop, cell phone and tablet.
Makeup you find irritating to your skin.
Medications that may cause or worsen melasma.

How is melasma treated? What medicines help?

The first thing you need to do to treat your melasma is to make sure that it doesn't get any worse. Do this by avoiding the sun, irritating soaps and birth control that includes hormones. If you are exposed to the sun, be sure to wear sunscreen. These steps may prevent your melasma from getting worse.
The second path to take is topical medications. Topical therapy using tyrosinase inhibitors prevents new pigment formations by stopping the formation of melanin (the dark color)

Treatments to reduce melasma

There are some procedures that we can do here at Skin Avenues Clinic, Kharadi, Pune to improve your melasma.

Chemical peel: In this procedure, the skin doctor here puts a chemical on your skin that may make it peel. The skin that regenerates should be smoother and more evenly colored.6-8 sessions are needed to see optimum results. It can be placed 10 -21 days apart depending on the type of peel used
Light-based procedures like non-ablative fractionated lasers and low fluence Q-switched lasers.
PRP-PRP treatment helps in fading down the pigment by injecting growth factors at the concerned site.